王子基金会协助东盟地雷行动工作,在暹粒峰会上促进社交媒体和展览影响。 Prince Foundation aids ASEAN mine action efforts, boosting social media and exhibition impact at Siem Reap summit.
王子基金会在暹粒-Angkor首脑会议上向东盟区域地雷行动中心提供了援助,重点是建立一个无地雷的世界。 The Prince Foundation aided the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) at the Siem Reap-Angkor Summit, focusing on a mine-free world. 他们提供战略通信和展览设计,着重介绍ARMAC的受害者援助和技术倡议,如SAFE聊天机。 They provided strategic communications and exhibition design, highlighting ARMAC's victim assistance and tech initiatives like the SAFE chatbot. 这一合作增强了阿摩行动社交媒体的存在,赢得了150多名新的追随者,加强了参与,并赢得了对其展台的赞扬。 This collaboration boosted ARMAC's social media presence, gaining over 150 new followers and increased engagement, and garnered praise for their exhibition booth.