2025年2月5日,CLG全球主办非洲以可持续采矿和伙伴关系为重点的招待会。 CLG Global hosts a Feb 5, 2025, reception in Africa focusing on sustainable mining and partnerships.
2025年2月5日,CLG全球组织在非洲主办了一次招待会,重点讨论可持续采矿伙伴关系和监管环境。 CLG Global hosts a reception on Feb 5, 2025, in Africa, focusing on sustainable mining partnerships and the regulatory environment. 活动讨论了政策稳定性、环境、社会和公司治理的遵守以及采矿中当地增值问题。 The event discusses policy stability, ESG compliance, and local value addition in mining. 同时,南部非洲信托基金将在2月3日至6日在开普敦的Indaba替代采矿场主办一项会外活动,探讨非洲女权主义者改变采矿部门的方法,解决环境和社会公正问题。 Meanwhile, the Southern Africa Trust will host a side event at the Alternative Mining Indaba in Cape Town, from Feb 3-6, exploring Afro-ecofeminist approaches to transform the mining sector, addressing environmental and social justice issues.