巴基斯坦财政部长牵头召开会议,改革税收制度和增加收入。 Pakistan's Finance Minister leads meeting to reform tax systems and increase revenue.
财政部长Muhammad Aurangzeb主持召开了国家税务理事会会议,目的是改善巴基斯坦的税收制度,增加税收。 Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb led a meeting of the National Tax Council aiming to improve tax systems and boost revenue in Pakistan. 讨论的重点是加强联邦和省当局之间的合作,改进数据共享和税务数字化,统一税收,对房地产和农业等报告不足的部门征税。 Discussions focused on enhancing collaboration between federal and provincial authorities, improving data sharing and tax digitization, harmonizing taxes, and taxing underreporting sectors like real estate and agriculture. 理事会概述了实现这些改革的步骤,以提高收税的效率和透明度。 The council outlined steps to achieve these reforms for more efficient and transparent tax collection.