巴基斯坦成立了税务制度数字化工作队,由财政和税收国务部长阿里·佩尔韦兹·马利克领导。 Pakistan forms task force to digitize tax system, led by Minister of State for Finance and Revenue, Ali Pervez Malik.
巴基斯坦财政和收入部与联邦税务局一道组成了一个工作队,将国家税收制度数字化。 Pakistan's Ministry of Finance and Revenue, alongside the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), has formed a task force to digitize the nation's tax system. 工作组在FBR总部举行首次会议. Chaired by Minister of State for Finance and Revenue, Ali Pervez Malik, the task force held its first meeting at FBR headquarters. 首要目标是通过系统从终端到终端的数字化,提高联邦复兴银行在创收方面的效力。 The primary goal is to improve the FBR's effectiveness in revenue generation by end-to-end digitization of its systems. 这包括关键利益攸关方之间分享数据,以查明非纳税申报人和逃避税收制度者、自由再保险制度自动化和实施供应链自动化。 This includes data sharing among key stakeholders to identify tax return non-filers and those evading the tax system, automating FBR systems, and implementing supply chain automation. 已经设立了四个工作组来提供建议草案,下一次工作队会议定于2024年8月21日举行。 Four working groups have been established to provide draft recommendations, with the next task force meeting scheduled for August 21, 2024.