巴基斯坦财政部长承诺将改革税收制度,以遏制腐败和提高透明度。 Pakistan's Finance Minister pledges to revamp the tax system to curb corruption and boost transparency.
巴基斯坦财政部长穆罕默德·奥朗热布(Muhammad Aurangzeb)承诺全面改革该国的税收制度, Pakistan’s Finance Minister, Muhammad Aurangzeb, has committed to overhauling the country's tax system, focusing on digitalization to cut down on corruption and boost transparency. 政府旨在通过扩大税基和减轻制造业和有薪工人等部门的负担来提高税收与国内生产总值的比率。 The government aims to raise the tax-to-GDP ratio by broadening the tax base and easing the burden on sectors like manufacturing and salaried workers. Aurangzeb部长称赞可口可乐是一个重要的投资者,并在与公司主管会晤时讨论了支持公平税收和经济增长的政策。 Minister Aurangzeb praised Coca-Cola İçecek as a key investor and discussed policies that support equitable taxation and economic growth during a meeting with company executives.