阿曼警察部队采用电动汽车进行巡逻,同时兼顾安全与环境目标。 Oman's police force adopts electric cars for patrols, balancing security with environmental goals.
阿曼皇家警察在其交通和安全巡逻中增加了电动汽车,体现了对可持续发展和清洁能源的承诺。 The Royal Oman Police (ROP) has added electric cars to its traffic and security patrols, reflecting a commitment to sustainable development and clean energy. 此举有助于平衡安全需要与环境保护,并辅之以阿曼政府对电动车辆的奖励措施。 This move helps balance security needs with environmental protection, supported by government incentives for electric vehicles in Oman. 这项举措强调了ROP将现代,高效和环保技术纳入其业务的努力. The initiative underscores ROP's effort to integrate modern, efficient, and eco-friendly technologies into its operations.