西海岸皇家骑警在巡逻车队中增加了两辆电动车辆,力求到2050年实现零排放转换。 West Shore RCMP adds two electric vehicles to its patrol fleet, pursuing a zero-emission conversion by 2050.
哥伦比亚省西海岸的 RCMP 已经推出了两辆新的电动巡逻车 - - 一辆野马Mach-E 和一辆福特F-150闪电车 - - 加入已经在使用的特斯拉Model Y. The West Shore RCMP in British Columbia has introduced two new electric patrol vehicles—a Mustang Mach-E and a Ford F-150 Lightning—joining the Tesla Model Y already in use. 这一举措是皇家骑警计划的一部分,计划在2030年前将其轻型车队的50%转为零排放车辆,到2050年全面过渡。 This initiative is part of the RCMP's plan to convert 50% of its light-duty fleet to zero-emission vehicles by 2030, with full transition by 2050. 已经注意到对特斯拉业绩的积极反馈,该项目旨在减少业务费用和环境影响。 Positive feedback on the Tesla's performance has been noted, and the project aims to reduce operational costs and environmental impact.