尼日尔军方控制了法国铀矿开采行动,目的是减少西方的影响。 Niger's military takes control of French uranium mining operations, aiming to reduce Western influence.
尼日尔的军事统治者控制了法国核公司Orano的铀矿开采作业,此举被视为为重新谈判该国外国采矿作业规则作出更大努力的一部分。 Niger's military rulers have taken control of French nuclear firm Orano's uranium mining operations, a move seen as part of a larger effort to renegotiate rules governing foreign mining operations in the country. 在此之前,法国军队被驱逐出境,奥拉诺的采矿许可证被暂停,导致暂停铀生产。 This follows the expulsion of French troops and the suspension of Orano's mining permit, leading to the suspension of uranium production. 尼日尔是一个重要的铀生产国,它一直在寻求减少西方的影响力,并可能为俄罗斯和土耳其的投资敞开大门。 Niger, a significant uranium producer, has been seeking to reduce Western influence and may open doors to Russian and Turkish investment.