美国航天局发现彗星67P的水与地球的水相似,表明彗星可能已经输送了地球的水。 NASA finds Comet 67P's water similar to Earth's, suggesting comets may have delivered Earth's water.
美国航天局研究人员发现彗星67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko拥有与地球海洋类似的水,这表明彗星可能已经向地球输送了水。 NASA researchers have found that Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has water similar to that in Earth's oceans, suggesting comets may have delivered water to Earth. 先前的研究显示,彗星水中的锂含量较高,但新的分析表明,彗星尘尘扭曲了这些测量结果。 Previous studies showed high deuterium levels in the comet's water, but new analysis indicates that cometary dust skewed these measurements. 这一发现可能改变我们对地球水源和早期太阳系构成的理解。 This discovery could change our understanding of Earth's water origins and the early solar system's composition.