新的研究揭示了月球水源和过去的磁场激增,挑战了旧的月球理论。 New studies reveal lunar water sources and a past magnetic field surge, challenging old theories about the Moon.
最近对月球水源的研究显示,它来自早期的类似地球的材料和彗星的影响,挑战了以往的理论,并为地球月球系统提供了新的见解。 Recent studies on lunar water origins show it comes from both early Earth-like material and cometary impacts, challenging previous theories and providing new insights into the Earth-Moon system. 此外,中国长江6号飞行任务的岩石样本显示,28亿年前月球磁场重新出现,这与以下信念相矛盾,即地块在衰落后仍然很虚弱。 Additionally, rock samples from China's Chang'e-6 mission revealed a resurgence in the Moon's magnetic field 2.8 billion years ago, contradicting the belief that the field remained weak after a decline. 这些调查结果为今后的月球探索和资源利用提供了关键数据。 These findings offer crucial data for future lunar exploration and resource utilization.