美国宇航局的 Osiris-Rex 返回了 Bennu 样本,暗示小行星可能在地球上播下了生命的种子。 NASA's Osiris-Rex returns Bennu samples, hinting asteroids may have seeded life on Earth.
美国宇航局 (NASA) 的 Osiris-Rex 航天器从小行星 Bennu 带回了样本,揭示了生命的组成部分和古代水世界的迹象。 NASA's Osiris-Rex spacecraft has returned samples from the asteroid Bennu, revealing the building blocks of life and signs of an ancient water world. 这些发现表明,小行星可能从一开始就将生命的成分与水混合,从而在地球上播种生命方面发挥了关键作用。 These findings suggest that asteroids may have played a key role in seeding life on Earth by mixing life's ingredients with water from the beginning. 这次宇宙之旅提供了迄今为止最有力的证据,证明生命的基本组成部分并不是地球独有的。 This cosmic haul provides the strongest evidence yet that life's essential components are not unique to Earth.