纪念服务向三名在交通事故中丧生的棕榈海滩议员致敬;DeSantis的Trump出席。 Memorial service honors three Palm Beach deputies killed in traffic crash; Trump, DeSantis attend.
在西棕榈海滩为在11月21日交通事故中丧生的三名棕榈海滩郡警长举行了追悼仪式。 A memorial service was held in West Palm Beach for three Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputies killed in a traffic crash on November 21. 当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑提斯(Ron DeSantis)参加了这次活动。 数千人齐聚一堂向众议员致敬:Luis Paez下士、Ralph "Butch" Waller副手、Ignacio "Dan" Diaz副手。 President-elect Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis attended the event at the iThink Financial Amphitheater, where thousands gathered to honor the deputies: Corporal Luis Paez, Deputy Ralph "Butch" Waller, and Deputy Ignacio "Dan" Diaz. 副手们在执行交通任务时被一辆SUV击倒;Paez和Waller在现场死亡,Diaz于11月25日去世。 The deputies were struck by an SUV while conducting traffic duties; Paez and Waller died at the scene, while Diaz passed away on November 25. 每个人在执法方面都有丰富的经验。 Each had extensive experience in law enforcement.