伦敦的Elizabeth Line现在拥有全部4G覆盖, 加强了每日通勤者的连通性。 London's Elizabeth Line now has full 4G coverage, enhancing connectivity for daily commuters.
伦敦的Elizabeth Line(Elizabeth Line)现在在整个线路上提供全部4G移动覆盖,使每日通勤者受益,并提高网络的可靠性。 London's Elizabeth Line now offers full 4G mobile coverage throughout its entire route, benefiting daily commuters and improving network reliability. Sadiq Khan市长和伦敦运输公司(TfL)旨在将这一覆盖范围扩大到Tube、DLR和地面线路,加强连通性和安全。 Mayor Sadiq Khan and Transport for London (TfL) aim to extend this coverage to the Tube, DLR, and Overground lines, enhancing connectivity and safety. Boldyn Networks有20年的特许权,正在领导这一倡议,引入高速4G和5G覆盖,支持TfL工作人员和第一反应者。 Boldyn Networks, with a 20-year concession, is leading this initiative to introduce high-speed 4G and 5G coverage, supporting TfL staff and first responders.