纽约市MTA在时代广场和中央之间的S列车上引入了无线上网和手机服务,构成第一个完整线路连接。 NYC MTA introduces Wi-Fi and cellphone service on S train between Times Square and Grand Central, forming first complete line connection.
纽约市的MTA在泰晤士广场和大中央之间的S列列车上引进了无线上网和手机服务,标志着地铁系统的第一个完整线路连接。 New York City's MTA has introduced Wi-Fi and cellphone service on the S train between Times Square and Grand Central, marking the first complete line connection in the subway system. 通过与博尔丁网络合作, 旨在在2032年之前实现整个418英里网络的交通现代化和覆盖范围扩大. This initiative, in partnership with Boldyn Networks, aims to modernize transit and expand coverage throughout the 418-mile network by 2032. Midtown 42nd Street Shuttle 也完全配备了 5G,未来计划对其他线路进行升级,包括 G 列车和 4、5 和 6 列车。 The Midtown 42nd Street Shuttle is also fully equipped with 5G, with future upgrades planned for other lines, including the G train and 4, 5, and 6 trains.