19岁的陪审员在拳击日家庭入侵中被判谋杀罪,导致Emma Lovell死亡;他因其他罪名被判18个月。 Jury acquits 19-year-old of murder in Boxing Day home invasion that led to Emma Lovell's death; he gets 18 months for other charges.
在拳击日家庭入侵中,一名19岁的孩子因谋杀和过失杀人被宣告无罪,导致41岁的Emma Lovel在布里斯班以北的北湖死亡。 A 19-year-old was acquitted of murder and manslaughter in the Boxing Day home invasion that resulted in the death of 41-year-old Emma Lovell in North Lakes, north of Brisbane. 他因入室盗窃和殴打被判处18个月徒刑,他已经服过刑,这引起了受害者丈夫Lee Lovel的失望。 He was sentenced to 18 months for burglary and assault, which he had already served, prompting disappointment from the victim's husband, Lee Lovell. 昆士兰州总检察长Deb Freecklington也表示关切,指出判决不符合社区的期望。 Queensland Attorney-General Deb Frecklington also expressed concern, stating that the sentence would not meet community expectations. 这名青年有超过100项先前刑事指控的历史。 The youth had a history of over 100 prior criminal charges.