一名青少年因在布里斯班家庭入侵期间刺杀Emma Lovell而被宣告无罪。 A teenager was acquitted of murder in the stabbing of Emma Lovell during a Brisbane home invasion.
在2022年拳击日澳大利亚布里斯班的一次家庭入侵中, 41岁的Emma Lovel的致命刺杀中,一名青少年被宣告无罪。 A teenager was acquitted of murder in the fatal stabbing of Emma Lovell, 41, during a home invasion in Brisbane, Australia, on Boxing Day 2022. 当青少年被判犯有入室盗窃和攻击罪时,由于与谋杀有关的证据不足,他被宣布无罪,罪名更为严重。 While the teen was found guilty of burglary and assault, he was cleared of more serious charges due to insufficient evidence linking him to the murder. 另一名共犯承认犯有谋杀罪,并被判处14年徒刑。 Another accomplice pleaded guilty to murder and received a 14-year sentence. Lovely的丈夫对判决表示失望,主张制定更严厉的青少年判刑法律。 Lovell's husband expressed disappointment with the verdict, advocating for tougher juvenile sentencing laws.