17 岁的少年对北湖区住宅入侵中的谋杀罪不认罪,审判正在进行中。 17-year-old pleads not guilty to murder in North Lakes home invasion, with trial ongoing.
一个17岁的孩子对2022年12月在澳大利亚北湖的一次家庭入侵中谋杀二胞胎母亲Emma Lovel表示不服罪。 A 17-year-old has pleaded not guilty to murdering Emma Lovell, a mother-of-two, during a home invasion in North Lakes, Australia, in December 2022. 共同被告人已认罪,服刑14年。 The co-defendant has already pleaded guilty and is serving 14 years. 检方声称被告是同谋,在袭击前刚看到一把刀,而辩方则辩称他没有直接实施暴力。 The prosecution claims the accused was complicit, having seen a knife just before the attack, while the defense argues he did not directly commit the violence. 审判正在进行中,预计还要持续四天。 The trial is ongoing and expected to last four more days.