油脂烹饪事件导致东夏洛特房屋火灾,一人接受吸入烟雾治疗。 East Charlotte house fire caused by grease cooking incident, one person treated for smoke inhalation.
夏洛特东部发生一起房屋火灾,一人因吸入烟雾而接受治疗。 A house fire in east Charlotte caused one person to be treated for smoke inhalation. 火灾于上午3时30分在Judas Tree Lane开始,被确定为厨房的油脂烹饪事件。 The fire, which started at 3:30 a.m. on Judas Tree Lane, was identified as a grease cooking incident in the kitchen. 消防员在十分钟内迅速控制火势,没有其他受伤报告。 Firefighters quickly controlled the blaze in just 10 minutes, with no other injuries reported. 受影响的个人在现场接受了治疗。 The affected individual received treatment at the scene.