28岁的Greenville警察Cooper Dawson 在葬礼上被枪杀后被铭记于心 Greenville cop Cooper Dawson, 28, remembered at funeral after being shot dead during a chase.
Greenville警官Cooper Dawson, 28岁,在12月3日的葬礼上被人们记住, Greenville Police Officer Cooper Dawson, 28, was remembered at a funeral on December 3 after being fatally shot last month while pursuing a suspect. Dawson是三名前Garland警官的父亲,遭到伏击和多枪射击。 Dawson, a father of three and former Garland police officer, was ambushed and shot multiple times. 嫌犯Christian Sparger 现在面临死刑谋杀罪指控 The suspect, Christian Sparger, is now facing capital murder charges. 格林维尔警察局正在为道森的家庭募集资金 The Greenville Police Department is raising funds for Dawson's family.