联合国专家批评希腊未能在Samos移民中心识别并援助14名性贩运受害者。 UN expert criticizes Greece for failing to identify and assist 14 sex trafficking victims at a Samos migrant center.
联合国贩运问题特别报告员Siobhán Mullally批评希腊未能在Samos移民中心识别和援助性贩运受害者。 A UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking, Siobhán Mullally, has criticized Greece for failing to identify and assist victims of sex trafficking at a migrant center on Samos. 希腊当局长期声称忽视了14名有明显剥削迹象的女性受害者,可能错过了多达285起其他可能的案件。 Mullally claims Greek authorities overlooked 14 female victims with clear signs of exploitation and may have missed up to 285 other potential cases. 来自西非和中非的受害者没有得到充分的支助。 The victims, from West and Central Africa, did not receive adequate support.