3 联合王国贩运者因剥削捷克移民、强迫劳动和在现代奴隶制案件中每年赚取400万英镑而被判处26年徒刑。 3 UK traffickers sentenced to 26 years for exploiting Czech migrants, forced labor, and earning £400k annually in modern slavery case.
联合王国的一个贩运团伙的三名成员因剥削来自捷克共和国的弱势移民而被判处总共26年徒刑。 Three members of a trafficking gang in the UK were sentenced to a total of 26 years for exploiting vulnerable migrants from the Czech Republic. 他们以虚假的工作承诺引诱受害者,没收他们的护照,强迫他们在快餐店从事低工资劳动,每年收入高达40万英镑。 They lured victims with false job promises, confiscated their passports, and forced them into low-wage labor at fast-food outlets, earning up to £400,000 annually. 该团伙的活动包括强迫劳动和性工作。 The gang's activities included forced labor and sex work. 都市警察的调查导致12名受害者得到保护,团伙因现代奴役罪被定罪。 The Metropolitan Police's investigation led to the safeguarding of twelve victims and the gang's conviction for modern slavery offenses.