10个欧盟国家为气候目标和可再生能源投资提交了国家数据中心报告,17个国家滞后。 10 EU countries have submitted NDCs for climate goals and renewable energy investment, while 17 lag behind.
欧洲联盟能源专员Kadri Simson对成员国提交国家确定捐款缓慢提出警告,这对于实现气候目标和吸引可再生能源投资至关重要。 European Union Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson has raised alarms about the slow submission of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by member states, essential for meeting climate goals and attracting investment in renewable energy. 虽然欧盟在可再生能源和效率方面取得了长足进步,但27个国家中只有10个国家提交了计划。 While the EU has made strides in renewable energy and efficiency, only 10 out of 27 countries have submitted their plans. 欧盟的目标是到2030年使其电力能力增加一倍,能源效率增加一倍,同时强调需要减少对矿物燃料的依赖。 The EU aims to triple its power capacity and double energy efficiency by 2030, emphasizing the need to reduce fossil fuel dependence.