法院规则 联邦政府可以继续驱逐航班 通过西雅图机场, 凌驾于当地禁令之上。 Court rules federal government can continue deportation flights through Seattle airport, overriding local ban.
9号美国。 The 9th U.S. 巡回上诉法院裁定,联邦政府可以继续使用西雅图机场进行驱逐飞行,尽管国王县行政官道·康斯坦丁于2019年下达了地方命令,试图以人权关切为由阻止此类飞行。 Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the federal government can continue using Seattle's airport for deportation flights despite a 2019 local order by King County Executive Dow Constantine that sought to block such flights over human rights concerns. 法院认定,君士坦丁的命令违反了联邦权力以及允许联邦政府使用机场的二战时代协议。 The court found that Constantine's order violated federal authority and a World War II-era agreement allowing the federal government to use the airport. 这一决定维持下级法院的裁决,并允许进行递解出境航班。 This decision upholds a lower court ruling and permits deportation flights to proceed.