联邦法院驳回纽约公民自由联盟对奥兰治州禁止纽约市寻求庇护者收容所的命令提出的诉讼。 Federal court dismisses NYCLU lawsuit against Orange County's order barring NYC asylum seeker shelters.
联邦法院驳回了纽约公民自由联盟对奥兰治县Neuhaus行政命令提出的诉讼,该行政命令禁止旅馆为纽约市寻求庇护者提供庇护。 The federal court dismissed a lawsuit by the NYCLU against Orange County Executive Neuhaus' executive order preventing hotels from sheltering New York City asylum seekers. 法院认定,订正命令没有歧视性,允许奥兰治县继续禁止纽约市将临时住房问题转移到该地区。 The court found that revised orders were not discriminatory, allowing Orange County to continue barring NYC from shifting temporary housing issues to the area. Neuhaus此前曾获得一项初步禁令,禁止《纽约公约》设立庇护所,该禁令仍然有效。 Neuhaus had previously obtained a preliminary injunction preventing NYC from establishing shelters, which remains in effect.