西北新西兰为可持续贷款和社区投资制定了雄心勃勃的三年目标。 Westpac NZ sets ambitious three-year goals for sustainable lending and community investment.
Westpac NZ制定了新的三年可持续性目标,包括将可持续贷款增加到90亿美元和贷款10亿美元用于经济适用住房。 Westpac NZ has set new three-year sustainability goals, including increasing sustainable lending to $9 billion and lending $1 billion for affordable housing. 该银行还计划向社区投资3 000万美元,并按照1.5°C目标减少业务排放量。 The bank also plans to invest $30 million in the community and reduce operational emissions in line with 1.5°C targets. 这些举措旨在支持客户采用低排放做法,提高社区成果。 These initiatives aim to support customers in adopting low emissions practices and enhancing community outcomes.