主要影响儿童和青少年的步行肺炎病例在加拿大和美国激增。 Walking pneumonia cases, mainly affecting children and teens, have surged in Canada and the U.S.
加拿大和美国的步行肺炎病例激增,特别是在儿童和青少年中。 Walking pneumonia cases have surged in Canada and the U.S., particularly among children and teens. 在安大略省,1月至11月期间18%的检测呈阳性,5-17岁儿童的病例数量最多。 In Ontario, 18% of tests were positive between January and November, with children aged 5-17 having the highest number of cases. 导致感染的细菌 -- -- 甲草胺肺炎 -- -- 如未经治疗,可能导致更严重的肺炎。 The bacteria causing the infection, mycoplasma pneumoniae, can lead to more severe pneumonia if untreated. 保健服务提供者建议使用抗生素治疗,并建议预防性措施,例如生病时留在家中,良好的卫生,以及在公共场所戴面罩。 Healthcare providers advise using antibiotics for treatment and recommend preventive measures such as staying home when sick, good hygiene, and wearing masks in public spaces.