日本的菌质肺炎病例连续第三周创下历史新高,超过1999年的水平. Mycoplasma pneumonia cases in Japan reach record high for third consecutive week, surpassing 1999 levels.
日本的米氏膜肺炎病例连续第三周创历史新高,截至10月13日,每个医疗机构平均报告1.95例。 Mycoplasma pneumonia cases in Japan have hit a record high for the third week in a row, with an average of 1.95 cases reported per medical institution as of October 13. 这标志着7周的持续增长,是1999年以来的最高水平。 This marks a continuous rise over seven weeks and is the highest level since 1999. 这种疾病通过呼吸道滴传播,引起发烧和咳嗽等症状。 The disease, which spreads via respiratory droplets, causes symptoms like fever and cough. 当局警告说,随着冬季临近,病例可能继续上升,并强调需要采取预防感染的措施。 Authorities warn that cases may remain elevated as winter approaches and stress the need for infection prevention measures.