英国旅行公司On The Beach报告利润和增长记录,但面临监管延误。 UK travel firm On The Beach reports record profits and growth but faces regulatory delays.
旅游公司On The Beach在英国报告说, 财年表现强, 税前利增长25%至3100万英, 收入增长14%,至128万英. On The Beach, a UK travel firm, reported a strong financial year with pre-tax profits up 25% to £31 million and revenue rising 14% to £128 million. 乘客人数在夏季增加了13%,冬季订票增加了25%。 Passenger numbers increased by 13% over summer, and winter bookings are up 25%. 公司恢复了股息 并宣布2500万英镑的股票回购 The company reinstated dividends and announced a £25 million share buyback. 尽管增长创纪录,但该公司对由于政府更迭,在改革ATOL客户保护规则方面出现拖延表示沮丧。 Despite record growth, the firm expresses frustration over delays in reforming the ATOL customer protection rules due to the change in government.