海滩上为英国游客提供紧急航班 在特朗普当选后很不安 On the Beach offers emergency flights home for British tourists uneasy after Trump's election.
英国度假公司Beach为在美国的英国游客提供紧急航班回家, 他们因2016年唐纳德·特朗普的大选胜利而感到不舒服。 On the Beach, a UK holiday company, is offering emergency flights home for British tourists in the U.S. who feel uncomfortable following Donald Trump's election victory in 2016. 客户可以改变航班,提早返回,同时美国也有折扣包裹。 Customers can change their flights to return early, while discounted packages to the U.S. are also available. 该公司的首席客户官员Zoe Harris强调支持那些想在Trump正式就职前离开的人。 The company's Chief Customer Officer, Zoe Harris, emphasized support for those wanting to leave before Trump officially takes office.