新加坡24名学龄前儿童患上胃肠炎,3人因沙门氏菌住院。 Twenty-four preschoolers in Singapore fall ill with gastroenteritis; three hospitalized due to salmonella.
新加坡小种子学前学校的24名儿童因胃肠炎患病,7名儿童住院。 Twenty-four children at Little Seeds Preschool in Singapore have fallen ill with gastroenteritis, with seven being hospitalized. 4名儿童已经出院,其余3名处于稳定状态。 Four children have been discharged, and the remaining three are in stable condition. 卫生部和其他机构正在进行调查,有3起案件被证实是沙门氏菌引起的。 The Ministry of Health and other agencies are investigating, with three cases confirmed to be due to salmonella. 学校已停止了社区活动,加强了卫生措施。 The school has halted communal activities and enhanced hygiene measures.