研究显示黑人学生比白人学生 在美国学校受到更严厉的纪律处分 Study reveals Black students are disciplined more harshly than White students across U.S. schools.
美国加州大学伯克利分校的Sean Darling-Hammond和美国教育部的Eric Ho的研究发现,美国K-12学校的黑人学生比白人学生面临更严厉的惩罚。 A study by UC Berkeley's Sean Darling-Hammond and US Department of Education's Eric Ho found Black students in US K-12 schools face harsher punishments than White students. 黑人学生被停学的可能性是黑人学生的3.6倍,被驱逐的可能性是黑人学生的3.4倍,在学校被逮捕的可能性是黑人学生的2.9倍。 Black students were 3.6 times more likely to be suspended out of school, 3.4 times more likely to be expelled, and 2.9 times more likely to be arrested at school. 学前学校和富裕学校也存在差异,黑人学生在富裕学校被停学的可能性是5.3倍。 Disparities were also seen in preschool and wealthier schools, with Black students 5.3 times more likely to be suspended in wealthier schools. 研究人员强调需要解决这些差异。 The researchers emphasize the need to address these disparities.