科罗拉多省因教师短缺和心理健康/行为问题而停学的人数自大流行以来增加了25%。 25% increase in Colorado school suspensions since pandemic, linked to teacher shortages and mental health/behavioral issues.
科罗拉多州学校的停学率自该流行病以来上升了25%,丹佛公立学校的停学率在6年中增长了42%。 Suspensions in Colorado schools have risen by 25% since the pandemic, with a 42% increase in out-of-school suspensions at Denver Public Schools over six years. 这一趋势与教师短缺和需要解决学生心理健康和行为问题有关。 This trend is linked to teacher shortages and the need to address students' mental health and behavioral issues. 为了应对这些挑战,各学区正在雇用以学生福祉和安全为重点的安全倡导者。 To counteract these challenges, school districts are hiring safety advocates focused on student well-being and safety.