Samuel Medina因枪杀17岁的Darnell Whitford而被判一级谋杀罪不认罪。 Samuel Medina pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder for the shooting death of 17-year-old Darnell Whitford.
Samuel Medina,25岁,对2023年7月在罗德岛普罗维登斯枪杀17岁的Darnell Whitford一案的一级谋杀罪指控不认罪。 Samuel Medina, 25, pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree murder for the July 2023 shooting death of 17-year-old Darnell Whitford in Providence, Rhode Island. Medina被指控在与多人争吵时开枪射杀Whitford并逃离现场。 Medina is accused of shooting Whitford during an argument with multiple people and fleeing the scene. 一个月后,他自首,没有保释,他的下个法庭日期定为2月。 He turned himself in a month later and is being held without bail, with his next court date set for February.