监督局审查英国暴动事件, 评估Meta对仇恨言论内容的温和度。 Oversight Board reviews posts on UK riots, assessing Meta's content moderation on hate speech.
监督委员会正在审查与英国夏季骚乱有关的三篇帖子,这些骚乱发生在绍斯波特发生持刀袭击之后,有关袭击者的错误信息在社交媒体上传播。 The Oversight Board is reviewing three posts related to the UK summer riots that followed a knife attack in Southport, where misinformation about the attacker spread on social media. 董事会将评估Meta的内容节制决定是否符合仇恨言论和煽动政策。 The board will assess if Meta's content moderation decisions complied with hate speech and incitement policies. Meta以先前的错误为由取消了一个职位,同时保留了另外两个。 Meta has removed one post, citing a previous mistake, while keeping the other two. 董事会将征求公众意见,并可向Meta提出政策建议,Meta必须在60天内作出答复。 The board will seek public comments and may issue policy recommendations to Meta, which must respond within 60 days.