Meta的监督委员会寻求公众提供意见,以了解其对带有移民内容的仇恨言论温和程度的审查情况。 Meta's Oversight Board seeks public input on its review of hate speech moderation with immigration-related content.
Meta的独立监督委员会正在邀请公众就其有关移民内容的仇恨言论温和政策发表评论。 Meta's independent Oversight Board is inviting public comments on its hate speech moderation policy concerning immigration-related content. 该委员会正在评估目前对难民、移民和寻求庇护者的保护是否充分,因为波兰和德国的两个有争议案件没有取消潜在的有害职位。 The board is evaluating whether current protections for refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers are adequate, following two controversial cases from Poland and Germany where potentially harmful posts were not removed. 虽然委员会的建议不具约束力,但Meta承诺遵守其裁决。 While the board's recommendations are non-binding, Meta has committed to adhering to its rulings.