明尼苏达州的男子因制作和接收儿童色情制品而被起诉四年以上。 Man from Minnesota indicted for producing and receiving child pornography over four years.
Patrick Wayne Baker, 51岁,来自明尼苏达州Glenwood的男子,因制作和接收儿童色情制品而被起诉联邦罪。 Patrick Wayne Baker, a 51-year-old man from Glenwood, Minnesota, has been indicted on federal charges for producing and receiving child pornography. 当局声称,在2020年1月至2024年6月期间,贝克秘密记录了至少6名未成年人,并拥有儿童的明确图像。 Authorities allege that between January 2020 and June 2024, Baker secretly recorded at least six minors and also possessed explicit images of children. 明尼苏达州刑事逮捕局、因特网侵害儿童犯罪工作队和教皇县治安官办公室对此案进行了调查。 The case was investigated by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, and the Pope County Sheriff's Office.