弗吉尼亚州男子马克·塞缪尔·贝克(Mark Samuel Baker)是前温彻斯特警官,因在蒙大拿州比林斯试图贩卖未成年人而被判处 10 年监禁。 Virginia man Mark Samuel Baker, ex-Winchester police officer, sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempting to traffic a minor in Billings, Montana.
一名 57 岁的弗吉尼亚男子马克·塞缪尔·贝克 (Mark Samuel Baker) 在蒙大拿州比林斯因试图贩卖未成年人而被判处 10 年监禁,随后被监管释放 5 年。 A 57-year-old Virginia man, Mark Samuel Baker, was sentenced to 10 years in prison followed by five years supervised release for attempting to traffic a minor in Billings, Montana. 一名前温彻斯特警官贝克因一名便衣警官冒充女护卫并告知贝克她未满 18 岁而被判犯有性拐卖未成年人罪。 Baker, a former Winchester police officer, was convicted of sex trafficking of a minor after an undercover officer posed as a female escort and informed Baker that she was under 18. 贝克在指定的见面时间出现时被捕。 Baker was arrested when he showed up at the designated meeting time.