缅因州男子在冲突后被捕, 面临涉嫌家庭暴力和枪击的指控. Maine man arrested after standoff; faces charges for alleged domestic violence and firing shots.
Christopher Cunningham, 37岁,来自缅因州科林斯(Corinth)的37岁男子,星期一在格伦本(Glenburn)的一次对峙后被捕。 Christopher Cunningham, a 37-year-old man from Corinth, Maine, was arrested on Monday after a standoff in Glenburn. 事件发生在星期五,据称Cunningham在一次家庭暴力事件中开枪,然后逃跑。 The incident began on Friday when Cunningham allegedly fired shots during a domestic violence incident and fled. 起初据信他已经离开该国,后来在格伦本被发现,并在缅因州警察战术小组的帮助下被捕。 Initially believed to have left the country, he was found in Glenburn and apprehended with help from the Maine State Police tactical team. Cunningham面临指控,包括家庭暴力、鲁莽行为和非法持有火器。 Cunningham faces charges including domestic violence, reckless conduct, and unlawful firearm possession.