37 岁的联邦罪犯 Sean Robertson 因违反法定释放而被通缉,安大略省警察局在蒂尔森堡逮捕了他。 37-year-old federal offender Sean Robertson, wanted for breaching statutory release, arrested in Tillsonburg by Ontario Provincial Police.
37 岁的肖恩·罗伯逊 (Sean Robertson) 是一名与安大略省南部多个社区有联系的联邦罪犯,他在蒂尔森堡被安大略省警察局逮捕。 37-year-old Sean Robertson, a federal offender with ties to multiple southern Ontario communities, was arrested in Tillsonburg by the Ontario Provincial Police. 罗伯逊因违反法定释放规定而被加拿大全国通缉。 Robertson was wanted on a Canada-wide warrant for breaching his statutory release. 他因持刀抢劫、抢劫、持有武器、危险驾驶和盗窃等多项罪名被判处五年监禁。 He has a five-year sentence for multiple crimes, including armed robbery with a knife, robbery, possession of a weapon, dangerous operation of a vehicle, and theft.