IndiGo 控告Mahindra在电动汽车命名中使用“6E”, 声称商标被侵犯。 IndiGo sues Mahindra over use of "6E" in electric car naming, claiming trademark infringement.
印度最大的航空公司IndiGo(IndiGo)因汽车制造商Mahindra在命名新电动车辆时使用“6E”而提起诉讼, India's largest airline, IndiGo, has filed a lawsuit against automaker Mahindra over the use of "6E" in the naming of its new electric vehicles, claiming trademark infringement. IndiGo认为,使用“6E”可能会造成消费者混乱,损害其品牌,而Mahindra则坚持认为,不存在冲突,目前正在与IndiGo讨论寻找解决办法。 IndiGo argues that the use of "6E" could cause consumer confusion and damage its brand, while Mahindra maintains there is no conflict and is in discussions with IndiGo to find a solution. 案件定于12月9日审理。 The case is set for a hearing on December 9.