印度海军处理INS Brahmaputra火灾损坏,并调查潜水艇与渔船碰撞的情况。 Indian Navy addresses INS Brahmaputra fire damage and investigates submarine collision with a fishing boat.
印度海军军舰INS Brahmaputra在7月被火灾损坏后,在右转后被恢复,并被安置在干船坞进行修理。 The Indian Navy's warship, INS Brahmaputra, damaged by a fire in July, is being restored after being righted and placed in a dry dock for repairs. 海军还正在调查最近INS Karanj潜水艇与戈阿海岸外一艘渔船之间发生碰撞的事件,对两者都造成重大损害。 The Navy is also investigating a recent collision between submarine INS Karanj and a fishing boat off the Goa coast, which resulted in significant damage to both. 该渔船的船长因与该事件有关而被逮捕。 The fishing boat's captain has been arrested in connection with the incident.