一家印度法院以缺乏证据为由,宣告手镯卖方对未成年人的性骚扰指控无罪。 An Indian court acquitted a bangle seller of sexual harassment charges against a minor, citing lack of evidence.
Andore法院宣告北方邦一家手镯销售商Tasleem Ali无罪,罪名包括对一名13岁女孩的性骚扰,他于2021年被指控犯有这一罪行。 An Indore court acquitted Tasleem Ali, a bangle seller from Uttar Pradesh, of charges including sexual harassment of a 13-year-old girl, which he was accused of in 2021. Ali最初根据《POCSO法》被捕,在中央邦高等法院准予保释前在监狱里度过四个月。 Ali was initially arrested under the POCSO Act and spent four months in jail before being granted bail by the Madhya Pradesh High Court. 审判法庭发现没有证据支持这些指控,并在三年的法律斗争中将他无罪释放。 The trial court found no evidence to support the charges and cleared him after a three-year legal battle. Ali面临暴徒袭击和虚假指控,他的律师将其归咎于其宗教背景。 Ali had faced a mob assault and false accusations, which his lawyer attributed to his religious background.