58岁的卫生工作者因据称骚扰一名12岁女孩而在米拉路被捕。 58-year-old sanitation worker arrested in Mira Road for allegedly molesting a 12-year-old girl.
58岁的卫生工作者Rajendra Tusabar在Thane区Mira Road被捕,据称他骚扰一名12岁女孩。 Rajendra Tusabar, a 58-year-old sanitation worker, was arrested in Mira Road, Thane district, for allegedly molesting a 12-year-old girl. 事件发生在2024年9月11日女孩从学费班返回时。 The incident occurred as the girl was returning from her tuition class on September 11, 2024. 据报告,Tusabar威胁说,如果她透露攻击事件,她将面临生命威胁。 Tusabar reportedly threatened her life if she disclosed the assault. 然而,女孩告诉了提出申诉的父母,导致Tusabar被捕,并登记了对他不利的案件。 However, the girl informed her parents, who filed a complaint, resulting in Tusabar's arrest and the registration of a case against him.