伊斯兰学者塔里克·拉马丹被瑞士上诉法院判定犯有强奸和性胁迫罪;被判处3年监禁,缓期2年。 Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan convicted of rape and sexual coercion by Swiss appeals court; 3-year prison sentence, 2 years suspended.
伊斯兰学者、牛津前教授塔里克·拉马丹(Tariq Ramadan)被瑞士上诉法院判定犯有强奸和性胁迫罪,推翻了先前的无罪判决。 Tariq Ramadan, an Islamic scholar and former Oxford professor, has been convicted of rape and sexual coercion by a Swiss appeals court, overturning a prior acquittal. 他因15年前在日内瓦一家旅馆发生的涉及一名穆斯林皈依者的事件被判处3年监禁,缓期两年。 He received a three-year prison sentence, with two years suspended, for an incident involving a Muslim convert in a Geneva hotel 15 years ago. 坚称自己无辜的拉马丹计划上诉。 Ramadan, who maintains his innocence, plans to appeal. 他还面临2009年至2016年在法国强奸三名妇女的指控. He also faces accusations of raping three women in France from 2009 to 2016.