印度商学院推出了促进两性平等和支持妇女领导能力的举措。 Indian business schools introduce initiatives to promote gender equality and support women's leadership.
印度商学院正在为妇女领袖营造更具包容性的环境,推出促进两性平等和支持妇女职业发展的举措。 Indian business schools are fostering a more inclusive environment for women leaders, introducing initiatives to promote gender equality and support women's professional growth. 印度招待学校和Jaipuria商学院等学校制定了兼顾性别的课程和辅导方案,增强了各行业新一代女性领导人的能力。 Schools like the Indian School of Hospitality and Jaipuria School of Business have developed gender-inclusive curricula and mentorship programs, empowering a new generation of female leaders across various industries. 著名校友在其职业生涯中表现卓越,为后代树立榜样。 Notable alumni are excelling in their careers, serving as role models for future generations.