四名嫌疑人,冒充警察,因在缅因邦戈的武装抢劫被捕。 Four suspects, impersonating police, were arrested for an armed robbery in Bangor, Maine.
四名21至45岁的嫌疑犯因在缅因邦戈尔的武装抢劫而被捕,据称他们在那里假扮警察抢劫一所房屋。 Four suspects, ages 21 to 45, were arrested for an armed robbery in Bangor, Maine, where they allegedly impersonated police officers to rob a home. 警察在现场发现了武器、假徽章和警察服装。 Police discovered weapons, a fake badge, and police-like clothing at the scene. 所有人均被控犯有抢劫未遂罪;3人还面临其他指控,包括犯罪威胁和重罪犯持有枪支。 All are charged with attempted robbery; three face additional charges including criminal threatening and firearm possession by a felon.