凯登·奥比雄 (Kayden Aubichon) 和克里斯蒂·查尔斯 (Kristy Charles) 等 3 名嫌疑人被指控在罗瑟恩 (Rosthern) 持械抢劫,其中两名男子使用斧头和刀盗窃现金。 3 suspects, including Kayden Aubichon and Kristy Charles, charged for armed robbery in Rosthern, where two men used an axe and knife to steal cash.
包括来自阿尔伯特亲王城的凯登·奥比雄 (Kayden Aubichon) 和克里斯蒂·查尔斯 (Kristy Charles) 在内的 3 名嫌疑人在罗瑟恩 (Rosthern) 发生武装抢劫案后被指控,两名男子拿着斧子和刀进入一家企业,偷走了现金,并得到了一名妇女的协助。 3 suspects, including Kayden Aubichon and Kristy Charles from Prince Albert, charged after an armed robbery in Rosthern, where two men entered a business with an axe and knife, stole cash, and were assisted by a woman. 所有嫌疑人都面临多项指控,包括使用攻击性武器抢劫和使用武器袭击。 All suspects are facing multiple charges, including robbery with an offensive weapon and assault with a weapon. 斧头、刀和被盗现金均已被追回。 The axe, knife, and stolen cash have been recovered.