三名嫌疑人,包括一名17岁的嫌疑人,因在巴吞鲁日持械抢劫被逮捕。 Three suspects, including a 17-year-old, were arrested for an armed robbery in Baton Rouge.
1月25日,Baton Rouge警察在法兰西街停车场发生武装抢劫,逮捕了三名嫌疑人,包括两名成年人和一名青少年。 Three suspects, including two adults and a juvenile, were arrested by Baton Rouge police in connection with an armed robbery at a parking garage on France Street on January 25th. Gavin Landry(19)、Beaux Deaughry(18)和1名17岁儿童被控持械抢劫火器和非法携带带有受管制危险物质的火器。 Gavin Landry (19), Beaux Delaughter (18), and a 17-year-old are charged with armed robbery with a firearm and illegal carrying of a firearm with a controlled dangerous substance.