底特律的阻击枪手计划 由联邦资金资助 已经削减了83%的杀人案和枪击案 Detroit's ShotStoppers program, funded by federal money, has cut homicides and shootings by up to 83%.
由联邦美元资助的底特律阻截枪械计划 大大减少了犯罪率高地区的杀人和枪击案 减少高达83% Detroit's ShotStoppers program, funded by federal dollars, has significantly reduced homicides and shootings in high-crime areas, with reductions of up to 83%. 该方案支持地方团体,从《美国援救计划法》获得1 000万美元。 The program supports local groups and has received $10 million from the American Rescue Plan Act. Mike Duggan市长把成功归功于社区参与和与警察的协作。 Mayor Mike Duggan attributes the success to community engagement and collaboration with the police. 不过,资金将于4月到期,密歇根州立法者正在考虑设立1亿美元的全州基金,以维持该倡议。 However, the funding is set to expire in April, and Michigan lawmakers are considering a $100 million statewide fund to sustain the initiative.