西弗吉尼亚州惠灵市警方获得 $463K 赠款以扩大危机部门,吸毒过量和毒品犯罪有所下降。 Wheeling, WV, police receive $463K grant to expand crisis unit, seeing drops in overdoses and drug crimes.
西弗吉尼亚州轮式警察局收到一笔463 633美元的赠款,用于扩大其24小时危机应对股,帮助有药物滥用和精神卫生问题的个人。 The Wheeling Police Department in West Virginia received a $463,633 grant to expand its 24-hour Crisis Response Unit, which helps individuals with substance abuse and mental health issues. 基金将雇用一名社会工作者、一名主任,并为警官提供培训。 The funds will hire a social worker, a director, and provide training for officers. 2024年,该部的过量剂量下降37%,过量死亡下降46%,与毒品有关的犯罪下降18%。 In 2024, the department saw a 37% drop in overdoses, a 46% decrease in overdose deaths, and an 18% reduction in drug-related crimes.